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Tesla Roadster Survey: Vehicle 22

Date Odometer Range Mode
Ideal Range
Ideal Range
CAC City
Jan 16 2013 04:22 PM PST 24,592 mi 184 mi Lexington, KY

See this vehicle compared to others in the survey on the battery report chart.

Selected Report Details

Submitted: January 16, 2013, 04:22 PM PST

Location Lexington, KY 40502
Survey Vehicle ID 22
Model Roadster 2.5
Model Year 2011
Battery Pack Classic (55 kWh)
Assembled 01/2011
Acquired 03/2011
Acquired New
Ownership Status Own
Battery Pack and PEM
Odometer  24,592 mi
Standard Mode Charge 184 ideal mi
Range Mode Charge n/a
Battery Swapped No
PEM Replaced No
Motor Replaced No
Charge Rate 110V/15A
Standard Mode Charge Frequency Most days of the week
Range Mode Charge Frequency A few times per year
Use Type Daily driver, year-round
Driving Frequency Most days of the week
Typical Roundtrip Distance 50 mi
Portion of miles driven on highways and freeways 10%
Typical Freeway Speed 65 mi/hour
Low Battery Warning Frequency A few times per year
Hot Battery Warning Frequency Less than once per year
Hot PEM Warning Frequency A few times per month
Hot Motor Warning Frequency n/a
Battery Drained 0

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