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Tesla Model S Survey: Vehicle 148 - Model S 85 kWh Performance

Date Odometer Standard
Rated Range
Range Mode
Rated Range
Drive Unit
Aug 24 2013 06:43 AM PDT 20,055 mi 235 mi (90%) 235 mi 20,055 mi 363 Wh/mi bradenton, FL
Jan 02 2016 11:54 AM PST 106,426 mi 220 mi (90%) 262 mi 1 bradenton, FL
Oct 08 2019 12:19 PM PDT 196,359 mi 206 mi (90%) 220 mi 2 bradenton, FL

See this vehicle compared to others in the survey on the battery report chart.

Report Details

Submitted: January 2, 2016, 11:54 AM PST

Location bradenton, FL 34211
Survey Vehicle ID 148 (3 reports)
Model Model S 85 kWh Performance
Body Style Original (2012 to Early 2016)
Model Year 2012
Assembled 12/2012
Firmware Version v7.0(2.7.56)
Wheel Size n/a
Battery Pack Part Number 1038596-01-B
Onboard Charger Single (10 kW)
Supercharger Enabled Yes
Date Acquired 01/15/2013
Acquired New
Odometer at Delivery  19 mi
Ownership Status Own
Drivetrain Repairs
Odometer  106,426 mi
Typical Charge 220 rated mi
Typical Charge Target 90%
Range Mode Charge 262 rated mi
Battery Swapped Yes
Number of Battery Swaps 2
Date of Last Battery Swap December 15, 2014
Odometer at Last Battery Swap  68,949 mi
Charger Replaced No
Drive Unit Replaced Yes
Number of Drive Unit Swaps 1
Date of Last Drive Unit Swap October 2, 2013
Odometer at Last Drive Unit Swap  22,777 mi
Charge Rate 240V/40A
Standard Mode Charge Frequency Most days of the week
Range Mode Charge Frequency A few times per month
Superchargers Within Driving Range Yes
Supercharge Frequency Weekly
Use Type Daily driver, year-round
Driving Frequency Daily
Typical Trip Distance 160 mi
Portion of miles driven on highways and freeways 97%
Typical Freeway Speed 76 mi/hour
Battery Drained 0
Energy Use
Trip Meter Distance n/a
Trip Meter Energy n/a
Trip Meter Energy Efficiency 341 Wh/mi
I wouldn't trade my Model S for the World, but I can say that everything that could go wrong has went wrong with this car. If Edmunds has listed it as a problem, my car experienced it. If you count the 2 months or so that my car had been in the shop, I would probably have 20 to 30,000 more miles than the 106,000 I currently have. Good Luck to all that own the older version and those that now have the newer upgraded version can thank the likes of me that experienced the pain with the original version! :)

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