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Tesla Model S Survey: Vehicle 526 - Model S 85 kWh Dual Drive Ludicrous

Date Odometer Standard
Rated Range
Range Mode
Rated Range
Drive Unit
Jan 29 2017 09:55 PM PST 10,237 mi 227 mi (90%) 253 mi Houstoh, TX
Jan 30 2017 10:50 PM PST 10,242 mi 227 mi (90%) 253 mi 8,837 mi 371 Wh/mi Houston, TX

See this vehicle compared to others in the survey on the battery report chart.

Report Details

Submitted: January 30, 2017, 10:50 PM PST

Location Houston, TX 77006
Survey Vehicle ID 526 (2 reports)
Model Model S 85 kWh Dual Drive Ludicrous
Body Style Original (2012 to Early 2016)
Model Year 2015
Assembled 05/2015
Firmware Version 8.0(2.50.114)
Wheel Size 19
Battery Pack Part Number 1076318-00-C
Onboard Charger Twin (20 kW)
Supercharger Enabled Yes
Date Acquired 05/28/2015
Acquired New
Odometer at Delivery  25 mi
Ownership Status Own
Drivetrain Repairs
Odometer  10,242 mi
Typical Charge 227 rated mi
Typical Charge Target 90%
Range Mode Charge 253 rated mi
Battery Swapped No
Charger Replaced No
Drive Unit Replaced No
Charge Rate 240V/80A
Standard Mode Charge Frequency Most days of the week
Range Mode Charge Frequency A few times per month
Superchargers Within Driving Range Yes
Supercharge Frequency Monthly
Use Type Other (explain in comments)
Driving Frequency Most days of the week
Typical Trip Distance 4 mi
Portion of miles driven on highways and freeways 20%
Typical Freeway Speed 75 mi/hour
Battery Drained 0
Energy Use
Trip Meter Distance  8,837 mi
Trip Meter Energy  3,277 kWh
Trip Meter Energy Efficiency 371 Wh/mi
Tesla Motors Club Username Texas
I am retired, so I mostly drive the car for general purposes: shopping, eating out, going to musical events or the movies, etc. I take occasional out of town trips, up to 200 miles or so. The Model S is the car I always drive. I drive fairly aggressively, and my watt-hours per mile reflect it. However, there's no reason to pay for a high performance car if you don't use it! Regarding my battery statistics: I am trying to make my battery last as long as possible.. One important strategy in a hot place like Houston is to avoid excessive heat. For summer of 2015 the car was housed in a hot garage, but in the summer of 2016 the garage was air conditioned. It is worth noting that, for reasons I so far haven't determined, my 90% and 100% charge levels now show zero degradation after 20 months and 10,000 miles. The numbers dipped for 7 months, then began climbing, and after receiving the 2.50.114 OTA update on Dec. 24, 2016, the Rated Range numbers bumped back up to the exact numbers they had when I took delivery of the car: 90% = 227 miles Rated Range, 100% = 253 miles Rated Range.

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