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LEAF Battery Survey Form

Nissan Leaf

The purpose of this survey is to allow LEAF owners to share their experience with battery pack capacity and how it changes over time and distance driven. If you are a LEAF owner, please contribute your experience to the survey by filling in the information below. You are welcome to enter data again as you increase your time and distance.

If you have previously entered a report on this vehicle, use the LEAF Battery Survey Update Report

Before you start, you may want to go collect several bits of information from your car.

See the photos and instructions below for the last four items. If you've had an annual service at your Nissan dealer and received a battery report card, you'll want to grab that also.

Instrument UUID
Instrument Calibration

Instrument Priority:
Instrument Resolution:


VIN Sticker Location
The black sticker shown circled in yellow in the lower right of the above photo is on the car body, revealed when you open the driver's door.
Sample VIN Sticker
The manufactured date (August, 2011) is marked in yellow and the VIN sequence number (8847) in red.
SOC Display
This is a typical battery gauge after an 80% charge. The outer bars show 12 of 12 for the battery's capacity. It's the number of capacity bars needed for the survey. (The inner bars show 10 of 12 bars for the current state of charge, which changes as you charge and drive the car.) The number in the bottom left represents an estimated range of 86 miles, based on the pack's charge and recent driving history and can vary wildly from day to day.
State: City: Zip Code


Model Year:   Model:

Sequence number at end of VIN (up to 6 digits): (private)
See photo to the right. This portion of the VIN is required in order to properly identify vehicles and follow-up reports for the same vehicle. It will only be used internally for the survey and will not be disclosed in any reports.

Manufactured Date:  
See photo to the right.

Acquired Date:  

Which on-board charger does your LEAF have?
Starting with the 2013 model year, the Leaf offers two levels of on-board charging: 3.3 kW or 6.6 kW.

Does your LEAF have a QuickCharge port?
The Quick Charge Port is an optional second charge port, larger and to the left of the regular charge port.

Your Battery Pack

Current Odometer:

Capacity Bars:
The capacity bars are the thin segments to the right of the longer state-of-charge bars (see photo at right).

How do you feel your range has changed?
The range of any EV will vary with season, but here we're looking for how your range has changed compared to what it was previously in similar weather and driving conditions.

Have you measured your charge capacity with an aftermarket state-of-charge meter? (e.g. Gary Giddings SOC Meter or the LeafSpy app for Android devices.) (optional)

Has your LEAF's battery pack been replaced?


How do you most often charge?

How often do you charge your LEAF to 100% (the default)?

How often do you charge your LEAF to 80% (using a timer)?

How often do you "top off" the charge?
A "top off" charge is when you ask the car to charge again after a 100% charge without having driven it down to 80% (ten bars).

How often do you leave the car parked for more than 12 hours after a 100% charge?

Approximately how many quick charges have you done?


How often do you drive your LEAF?

What is your typical round-trip distance? miles.

About what portion of your miles are driven on freeways or highways? %.

When driving on the freeway, what is your typical speed? miles per hour

How much elevation gain do you have on your typical drive? feet
For example, if you live at about 2,000 feet and work at about 500, enter 1,500 feet. If you live at 1,500 feet, cross a 2,000 foot pass to get to work at 1,000 feet, enter 1,500 feet for gaining 500 feet on the way to work and 1,000 feet on the way home.

How many times have you received the low battery warning (yellow charge indicator and flashing range estimate)?

How many times have you driven until the turtle lights up?

How many times have you driven until the LEAF stopped?

Ownership Status

What was the status of your LEAF when you acquired it?

What is your LEAF ownership status?

Nissan Battery Report (optional)

If you have received a battery report card as part of an annual service, please enter the info below.

Report Date:  

Frequent use of Quick Charging:
Frequent charging when battery state of charge is already high:
Too much electric consumption while driving:
Long term parking with high state of charge:

Contact Info

Your contact info will only be used to contact you if we need to follow up on your report and to let you know when we have results to report.

Name: (private)
Email: (private)

The survey takes care to provide some protection of owner privacy by not revealing your name, email or VIN sequence number. However, if you would like to identify yourself, you may enter your My Nissan LEAF Forum username. This name will be revealed with the survey data.

My Nissan LEAF Forum Username: (optional, public)


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