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Toyota RAV4 EV Survey: Vehicle 19

Date Odometer Est. Range City
May 22 2013 05:28 PM PDT 130,306 mi 90 mi Hermosa Beach, CA

Selected Report Details

Submitted: May 22, 2013, 05:28 PM PDT

Location Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-2664
Survey Vehicle ID 19
Model Year 2002
Manufactured 11/2001
Vehicle Status When Acquired New
Date Acquired 03/10/2002
Odometer at Delivery  15 mi
Ownership Status Own
Odometer  130,306 mi
RAV4 Info No
Battery Pack
Estimated Range 90 mi
Lowest Internal Resistance 6.9 milliohms
Highest Internal Resistance 7.9 milliohms
Battery Maintenance
Battery Swapped/Refurbished Yes
Number of Battery Swaps/Refurbishments 1
Date of Last Battery Swap December 1, 2010
Odometer at Last Battery Swap  108,226 mi
Range Before Battery Swap 40 mi
Highest Internal Resistance 36 milliohms
Charge Frequency Weekly
Limit Charge Never
Typical Charge Target n/a
Full Charge Frequency n/a
Use Type Occasional
Driving Frequency A few times per week
Typical Trip Distance 20 mi
Portion of miles driven on highways and freeways 50%
Typical Freeway Speed 70 mi/hour
Battery Drained 1
Charger Capacitor Replaced Yes
Time Between 12V Accessory Battery 4 years
Estimated Annual Maintenance Cost $ 50
Maintenance Items Motor replaced while still under warranty in the first couple of years due to leaky seal between motor & transmission. Other than that brakes, tires and then the Battery MD in December 2010.
Public Name Dency
Love this car! The best car I've ever owned. Even better than my 2011 Nissan Leaf which is the daily commute car now, but I will NEVER sell my 2002 RAV4EV!

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