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Toyota RAV4 EV Survey: Vehicle 28

Date Odometer Est. Range City
May 22 2013 08:50 PM PDT 117,000 mi 35 mi Los Angeles, CA

Selected Report Details

Submitted: May 22, 2013, 08:50 PM PDT

Location Los Angeles, CA 90026
Survey Vehicle ID 28
Model Year 2002
Manufactured 05/2002
Vehicle Status When Acquired New
Date Acquired 09/01/2002
Odometer at Delivery  0 mi
Ownership Status Own
Odometer  117,000 mi
RAV4 Info No
Battery Pack
Estimated Range 35 mi
Battery Maintenance
Battery Swapped/Refurbished No
Charge Frequency Daily
Limit Charge Never
Typical Charge Target n/a
Full Charge Frequency n/a
Use Type Daily driver, year-round
Driving Frequency Daily
Typical Trip Distance 30 mi
Portion of miles driven on highways and freeways 50%
Typical Freeway Speed 60 mi/hour
Battery Drained 50
Charger Capacitor Replaced No
Time Between 12V Accessory Battery 5 years
Estimated Annual Maintenance Cost $ 0
Maintenance Items 
I can't recall exactly when I took delivery of my RAV4, but the system will not allow me to leave the space blank, so I've input a dummy date. It was during the later part of '02. Trusty RAV4 was going great until the last year or so. I maintained a range of 120 for quite a number of years (with no repairs of any kind), and then gradually started losing range over the past several years. I was down to about eighty or so, and in the past year it's gone down to thirty. Just in past week, it's lost ten miles. I suppose that this battery is not long for this world...

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