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Toyota RAV4 EV Survey: Vehicle 56

Date Odometer Est. Range City
Jun 01 2013 02:33 PM PDT 127,748 mi 100 mi Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Selected Report Details

Submitted: June 1, 2013, 02:33 PM PDT

Location Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701
Survey Vehicle ID 56
Model Year 2003
Manufactured 11/2002
Vehicle Status When Acquired New
Date Acquired 12/28/2002
Odometer at Delivery  7 mi
Ownership Status Sold it, no replacement.
Odometer  127,748 mi
Date Disposed July 2, 2008
RAV4 Info Yes
Battery Pack
Estimated Range 100 mi
Battery Maintenance
Battery Swapped/Refurbished No
Charge Frequency More than once per day
Limit Charge Most of the time
Typical Charge Target 90%
Full Charge Frequency Monthly
Use Type Daily driver, year-round
Driving Frequency Daily
Typical Trip Distance 88 mi
Portion of miles driven on highways and freeways 95%
Typical Freeway Speed 65 mi/hour
Battery Drained 1
Charger Capacitor Replaced Yes
Time Between 12V Accessory Battery 4 years
Estimated Annual Maintenance Cost $ 100
Maintenance Items Had to replace the charge capacitor board at about 102k miles. This was done by Toyota so the whole board was replaced (this was before Michael offered his capacitors). I had to purchase the board separately as Toyota wanted an outrageous price for it. I also replaced the tires only once at about 68,000 miles. In addition I portablized the charger and did the magnetic vent mod.
I owned the car for 5 & 1/2 years and drove over 127k miles. It was a great car. I sold it in July 2008 to someone in Idaho who drove it about 4000 miles and then sold it on 5/4/2010. Not sure who owns it now. Wish I still had it. Even at 127k miles, I was able to get 100 miles per charge with careful driving (no AC or heater). I did notice that the pack was getting tired when I sold it, the voltage would drop more quickly when the charge was low and I went up a hill on the way home.

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